Temple Sinai is a small, warm and welcoming congregation located nearby in Cinnaminson, New Jersey. We are part of the Conservative tradition, with our own distinct style of egalitarian, progressive, and participatory services. Rabbi/Cantor Colman Reaboi and the Temple Sinai family welcome all families to join us for services, Chaggim (holiday) celebrations, adult education, social action, and being a part of a warm community.

Please help the religious school board and Rabbi Colman in setting up a Youth Lounge that will create a:
– Comfortable space for parents to have coffee, chat, and socialize during Religious School
– Safe space for students who might need a “time out” from the rigors of school.
– Relaxed area to hold classes and sessions.
– Quiet place available to meditate or work on your own.
– Space where students and others can socialize together, whether it’s watching a movie, chatting, or playing a board or card game.
Thank you to all who help our youth feel more at home at Temple Sinai. Todah Robah!
Monthly Sessions
Register for Little Sprouts today

From The Blog
- A question of faith and Jewish traditionParashat VayeiraGen. 18:1-22:24 Avraham Avinu, Abraham our father, is put through a series of tests in this Torah portion, Parashat Vayeira (Genesis 18:1- 22:24). After answering God’s call to Lech L’cha, and subsequently his self-circumcision, he is tested on his ability… Read more: A question of faith and Jewish tradition
- Sukkot, Shmini Atzeret, and Simchat Torah 2024 — An EPIC Fall Holiday Week at Temple Sinai!We wrapped up our celebrations in the Sukkah, enjoying delicious meals and cherished moments together. After Yom Tov and Yizkor, we dove into our Simchat Torah celebration of MEGA proportions! Rabbi Reaboi dimmed the lights on… Read more: Sukkot, Shmini Atzeret, and Simchat Torah 2024 — An EPIC Fall Holiday Week at Temple Sinai!
- Embracing the Fragile and Elevating the Ordinary: Reflections on SukkotThe Festival of Sukkot, also known as “The Season of our Joy” is filled with powerful symbols, many of which were not originally considered holy. The etrog (אתרוג) (citron) and the sukkah (סוכה) (booth), two essential mitzvah objects used during… Read more: Embracing the Fragile and Elevating the Ordinary: Reflections on Sukkot
- The Cinnaminson Sun- “Hitting it off” with Rabbi Colman Reaboi‘Hitting it off’ Temple Sinai proves a comfortable place for new rabbi By CHRISTINE HARKINSON August 30, 2024 Rabbi/Cantor Colman Reaboi joined Temple Sinai of Cinnaminson this summer, a move that felt like a whirlwind. “My… Read more: The Cinnaminson Sun- “Hitting it off” with Rabbi Colman Reaboi