The Temple Sinai Families with Young Children group is an ever growing group of families with small children ages Kindergarten or younger. Each month these families enjoy various get-togethers that introduce their young children to our Synagogue, to Shabbat, to the Jewish Holidays, and to Judaism, at the same time promoting personal connections for the children, as well as the parents, through social interaction and outright fun.
Hand-in-hand you’ll see the “little ones” giggling, exploring, and having fun at Temple Sinai. These are our youngest – already well on their way to learning Jewish traditions and making lasting friendships. They are having fun, celebrating Jewish holidays together!
We’d like your family to meet the
Temple Sinai young families.
Join the fun!
Tot Shabbat
Kindergarten & Pre-School children & their families are invited to this casual interactive Shabbat Service especially for small children. The children will enjoy lighting the Shabbat candles, be introduced to some simple prayers and songs, play some games, and hear a story followed by a snack and a little time to play. Children are invited to wear their pajamas and older siblings are invited. See the calendar for upcoming dates!