Make a difference at the synagogue and perform mitzvot, good deeds.


G’milut Chasadim: Deeds of Loving Kindness

Through G’milut Chasadim, Temple Sinai Sisterhood performs “Deeds of Loving Kindness” for our Temple Sinai family. We perform kindnesses such as sending cards to those who are ill or sitting in one’s home to receive food trays during a funeral. Being a member of the Temple Sinai community means you always have a support team during both good and bad times. You can help by:

  • Informing us when you hear of a need in the congregation (ex. birth of baby, illness, death, etc.)
  • Placing your name on the list of members whom we may call on to help by possibly make a meal for one who is ill, etc. Call Millie Stern at 856 829-1204.


Greeting people, whether congregants, potential congregants or guests, as they enter the Synagogue continues a tradition that is as old as Abraham. Ushers are needed at High Holiday Services. Members take turns taking on the Mitzvah of Hachnasat Orchim, welcoming all who enter our house of worship. Each family is given the opportunity to usher at least one service a year. Usher duties are simple and mailed to you in advance of your scheduled duty.