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About Us
Mission Statement
Temple Sinai is an egalitarian, Conservative synagogue in Burlington County, New Jersey committed to the following: Hachnasat Orchim: We are a warm and accepting congregation devoted to diversity where we respect and honor our members for who they are. L’dor V’dor: We provide a comfortable environment dedicated to the continuity of Jewish life through education, study of Torah, worship, and the celebration of Jewish customs and traditions. Kehillah: We serve the Jewish community, the wider community, and the State of Israel though acts of Tikuum Olam (repairing the world), and G’milut Chasadim (acts of living kindness) to those in need.
Contact Us
Contact by phone: 856 829-0658 Via fax: 856 829-0310 Via email: General Information call Amy Engle at 856 829-0658 Membership Information call Dorothy Minkoff at 856 829-6293 or Rose Rose at 856 858-6953 Religious School Principal, Marcia Blacker: Rabbi Fineblum (email): Website feedback, comments, and corrections: David Kramer – Office Hours (During the school year) Sunday 8:30 am to noon Monday, Wednesday & Thursday 9:00 am to 2:00 pm Tuesday 9:00 am to noon 3:30 pm to 8:30 pm Office Hours (Summer) Monday – Thursday 9:00 am to noon Script Scrip will be sold any time the Temple office is open. Since there is only one person in the office, you may want to call before you come in (856 829-0658). Please leave a message if the answering machine picks up and you will receive a call back.
Who’s Who
2009 – 2010 President: David Gorenberg Vice President(s): Shari Hyder, Boris Libster, John Stevens Secretary: Arlene Salkin Treasurer: Diane Leibowitz Financial Secretary: Michael Silver Parliamentarian: Becky Siman Immediate Past Presidents: David Caplin, Diane Leibowitz, Rose Rose, Peter Schmeidler Board of Directors: Stcey Blacker Jaime Figiel Esther Bliss Arlene Goldfarb Elliott Coleman Harold Minkoff Jill Croft Paula Pappas Allen Eskow Bunny Fagan Randi Rappaport Ellen Weiner Rabbi Steven N. Fineblum Rabbi Steven, Barbara and their three children, Josh, Rachel and Seth, came to the community in 1985. “Judaism has been an awesome experience for me. I want to take as many congregants with me on this fabulous journey abounding with breathtaking moments of caring, sharing, study, dreaming and worship. Temple Sinai is the place to begin and continue one’s search to become the best Jew we each can become in a supportive, user friendly, contemporary and, most importantly, Heymish environment.” Steven Fineblum graduated from the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College in 1976. Presently, Rabbi Fineblum is an active member of the Tri-county Board of Rabbis of Southern NJ, where he has held the offices of President, Vice President and Secretary/Treasurer. After a year on the Board and Membership…
Be Heard… Make a Difference… Make New Friends If you’re looking for a different way to help out the synagogue, perhaps you should consider joining a committee. Our committees meet to discuss and plan different aspects of the synagogue. Below is a list of the committees at Temple Sinai. List of Committee Chairs Adult Education: Arlene Goldfarb Beautification Committee: Arlene Salkin Board of Education: Boris Libster and Howard Eisenberg Book Club: Becky Siman and Dorothy Minkoff Building & Grounds: John Stevens Bulletin: Jamie Figiel Calendar: Rabbi Fineblum, Amy Engle, and Rose Rose Choir: Donna Weinstein and Arlene Salkin College Student Outreach: Sue Karen Families with Young Children: Melissa Schrier Fix-It Crew: Marty Rose & John Stevens Fundraising: Stacey Blacker Gift Shop: Fay David and Esther Bliss JCRC Representative: Nancy Schwartz Membership: Susan Goldberg Men’s Club: Robert Bliss and Rob Karen Ritual Committee: David Caplin Sisterhood: Esther Bliss and Marcia Libster Social Action: Paula Pappas USY Advisor: Erica Braverman Youth Activities: Shari Hyder Ritual Committee With the guidance of the Rabbi, Ritual Committee members make decisions concerning the Religious aspects of the Synagogue. Examples of issues that may be discussed are those concerning Kashrut, Service times, prayer books, music at Shabbat…
Current Events
YouTube Channel
Jewish Prayers & Blessings Audio
Religious School
The mission of Temple Sinai’s Religious School is to inspire in our students an understanding of and a passion for Judaism. We strive for this through an understanding of Hebrew prayer; spiritual growth; fostering a fulfilling relationship with God; the study of Torah; nurturing a love of Israel; living Tikun Olam, Mitzvot and G’milut Chasadim; exposure to Jewish texts, values, customs and traditions, history and current events. We provide an educational program that respects individual needs and learning styles and provides a solid foundation for continued learning. Together, with our families, it is our goal to develop and strengthen the Jewish identity of all our students and build a religious, learning, moral and socially responsible student community within our Synagogue, as well as within the Jewish and secular communities at large. Temple Sinai’s Religious School is comprised of three divisions: The Primary Division Gan/M’chinah Alef and M’chinah Bet (kindergarten/first grades and second grade) meets Sundays from 9:00 a.m.-Noon. The Elementary Division Alef, Bet, Gimel, and Dalet (third, fourth, fifth, and sixth grades) meets Sundays from 9:00 a.m.-Noon, and Tuesdays from 4:15-6:15 p.m. The High School Division High School 1-4 (seventh, eighth, ninth, and tenth grades), meets Sundays from 9:00-11:15 a.m.,…
Little Sprouts
Nursery School
Confirmation Class
After School Program At Temple Sinai
Shabbat Services Temple Sinai conducts weekly Friday night and Saturday morning, Shabbat services. Services are generally at 8:00 p.m. on Friday evening and 9:30 a.m. on Saturday morning. The second Friday night of each month is generally a 7:15 pm service although it is always a good idea to check the monthly “Bulletin” calendar or call the office (856 829-0658) to check the Service schedule recording. Family Services Most months a Shabbat Service is designated as a Family Service. This service is oriented toward the children and includes participation from the children in our Religious School, who are expected to attend. Consult the Bulletin for dates and times. Tot Shabbat Every other month Temple Sinai holds a Tot Shabbat. This lively interactive Friday night service is especially for young children (six years old and younger) and their families. During a Tot Shabbat service, we celebrate the beauty and wonder of Shabbat through singing, dancing, and story telling, as well as teach basic Shabbat prayers, songs and rituals. Oneg Shabbat refreshments follow the service. Tot Shabbat is a wonderful way to introduce your toddler or preschooler to Jewish worship and to other children in the Temple Sinai community in a relaxed…
Service Etiquette
We live in an age where something is always beeping on our bodies. A Temple Sinai service is a good time to take a rest from the always-on and always-available life. Please turn off cell phones and pagers during services or place them on vibrate to avoid creating a distraction. Recommended Dress Code for Shabbat and Holiday Services Dress for services at Temple Sinai is business casual or business attire. Men are required to wear a Kipot and Tallit, which are optional for women. However, everyone being called to the Torah for an Aliyah should wear a Talit and a headcovering. Children and adults should please respect the sanctity of religious services by refraining from wearing inappropriate clothing such as shorts, jeans, sweatpants, or sports uniforms. Shabbat and Jewish Holidays are Sacred Days When do Shabbat and the Holidays Begin: Shabbat begins 18 minutes before sunset on Friday and ends 25 minutes after sunset on Saturday night. If you look on the upper right corner of the Friday box on our monthly “Bulletin” calendar, there are two little candles with the candle-lighting time. This begins Shabbat. The time on the upper right-hand corner on Saturday signifies the end of Shabbat.…
Tikkun Olam
Tikkun Olam/Social Action
Make a difference at the synagogue and perform mitzvot, good deeds. G’milut Chasadim: Deeds of Loving Kindness Through G’milut Chasadim, Temple Sinai Sisterhood performs “Deeds of Loving Kindness” for our Temple Sinai family. We perform kindnesses such as sending cards to those who are ill or sitting in one’s home to receive food trays during a funeral. Being a member of the Temple Sinai community means you always have a support team during both good and bad times. You can help by: Informing us when you hear of a need in the congregation (ex. birth of baby, illness, death, etc.) Placing your name on the list of members whom we may call on to help by possibly make a meal for one who is ill, etc. Call Millie Stern at 856 829-1204. In the Kitchen The kitchen is the heart of any home and spending time in one of Temple Sinai’s Kosher kitchens preparing trays and meals for activities like our Shabbat Dinners, Sunday morning brunches, or special events is a great time to get to know other members. Call Dorothy Minkoff 856 829-6293 or Diane Leibowitz 856 786-0345 to lend a hand in the kitchen. It’s also a good…
Sisterhood is the organization of the women of the Congregation who band together in friendship for programs to benefit the Synagogue and the community, for social activities, for study, and above all, for the growth of the individual so that each may find an opportunity to fulfill her potential as a person and as a Jewish woman. Sisterhood provides an outlet for the creative energy, talent, and leadership potential in you. We get together to plan activities, see movies, make crafts, hold fund raising events, and much more. Dues are $36/year which help support the Sisterhood activities and entitle members to reduced prices to events. Sisterhood will also give you a worldwide identity through its affiliation with the Federation of Conservative Jewish Women, a federation of more than 600 Sisterhoods with 100,000 members throughout the United States, Canada, and overseas. Contact co-presidents Marcia Libster or Esther Bliss 856 764-7308.
Men’s Club
Families With Young Children
Other Activities
In addition to Sisterhood, Men’s Club, USY, and Kadima, we offer some other clubs you might be interested in joining. They are listed below. Gift of Israel Temple Sinai participates in a cooperative savings program, co-funded by member families, synagogues and the Jewish Federation (through AJA contributions). It helps strengthen Jewish identity by enabling post-Confirmation Religious School students to visit Israel on sponsored trips. The Federation and Synagogue will each give a stipend of up to $150 for seven years ($1,050) towards an extended post-confirmation trip to Israel with groups such as USY, Ramah, and others. Each family who wants to participate also contributes by creating a savings account at Bank Hapoalim. Contributions usually begin when your child is in 3rd grade. If your child decides not to continue with Confirmation, your investment will be returned. This is an excellent way to set aside funds so your child can visit Israel with other teens. Contact Marcia Libster at 856 866-8172 for more information and to sign-up. Families With Young Children Approximately every other month, parents with pre-schoolers (ages five and under) find companionship and conversation over Sunday breakfast while their children enjoy age-appropriate Jewish activities and crafts. These breakfasts are…
Donations & Contributions
Judaica Shop
Think of the Temple Sinai Judaica Shop first for all your religious articles such as Menorot, Mezuzot, Talitot, Kippot, Challah covers, Matzah plates, and more. The gift shop also stocks beautiful jewelry and items made in Israel. Operated by the Sisterhood, the Judaica Shop is open some Sundays and by appointment. Contact Fay David 856 829-6611 or Esther Bliss 856 764-7308.
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About Us
Mission Statement
Contact Us
Who’s Who
Current Events
YouTube Channel
Jewish Prayers & Blessings Audio
Religious School
Little Sprouts
Nursery School
Confirmation Class
After School Program At Temple Sinai
Service Etiquette
Tikkun Olam
Tikkun Olam/Social Action
Men’s Club
Families With Young Children
Other Activities
Donations & Contributions
Judaica Shop
Sukkah Decorating
Sukkah Decorating
Sukkah Decorating